ATMOSPHERE's projects range from conceptual research to pilot service operations.

Our team gives high value to innovation through constant R&D efforts. Indeed, we contribute to major European R&D programmes such as CLEANSKY or SESAR in the aviation domain. We also collaborate with Academia and Research Institutions to maintain our extensive know-how in various fields such as Satellite Communication, Networking or Weather Science.

Here are some of our main R&D projects:


HAIC is a large-scale R&D project led by AIRBUS with experimental flight trials to gather High Altitude Ice Crystal Data.

ATMOSPHERE is contributing to HAIC through provision of weather expertise and support of flight experiments. Thanks to PLANET satellite system, scientists on the ground can follow the aircraft in real-time, get a preview of on-board sensor data, and provide live guidance for an optimal mission. Onboard users get real-time weather updates for the mission area.

HAIC Official Website


FLIP is a FLIght Plan management tool designed by ATMOSPHERE and ORME. It allows to test in realistic conditions the future Flight Management Systems (FMS) developed by Thales Avionics. The system embeds a database of over 300,000 real-world flight plans, which can be filtered according to a variety of criteria through a modern and user-friendly interface.



TOPLINK is a SESAR demonstration project for general aviation led by THALES AVIONICS. The first phase of this project consists in providing a solution for in-flight weather and aeronautical information updates. ATMOSPHERE has already started collaborating with ENAC by providing support for EMI (Electro Magnetic Interferences) tests of the Iridium GO device in a TB20.


SASISA aims at giving civil security forces operational access to current geoinformation for situational awareness during disaster and emergency response missions, especially in the initial phase of the mission when remote sensing from satellites is not yet available. (ESA Artes 20 programme)

ATMOSPHERE provided an onboard integrated information system (Electronic Flight Bag) through a connected tablet application (via Iridium), allowing aircraft tracking, mission control messages, weather updates and a valuable additional layer of situational awareness and connectivity for the aircraft crew and mission operator.

SASISA Official Webpage


ATMOSPHERE is part of Path4Flight consortium which aims to develop a complete weather and AIS data upload solution for EMS (Emergency Medical Services) missions. The project also includes the development of a trajectory generator based on weather and AIS information. ATMOSPHERE contributes through the development of the communication system and the selection of the relevant weather information.

P4F Official Website


Weather Conditions DB

HELIMET's objective is to better define the meteorological conditions of use of on-board optronic systems for helicopters, in order to better select sensors according to those new defined conditions.


Weather Simulation Tool

SIMET consists in the development of a weather simulator tool for trajectory optimization (reduce fuel consumption) and contrails minimization studies.